Dream Analysis

The result it out...my dreams say WHAADUPPPP!


Dreaming of a lion shows you have many obstacles to overcome, and must resist the real force that is driving you to self destruction; if the lion overpowers you, you will lose, but, if win out over the lion you will be the victor. As the lion usually represents different aspects of our own inner nature either as we are, or as we think ourselves to be, then in this light the dream must be correlated by using as many of the symbols you see in your dream and carefully analyzing the different actions of each character.

well! i think i am satisfied with that analysis for now.I am going to do some serious introspection now..err!maybe after checking out the dream moods site,because it is really interesting.Do check it out ppl.


Marcia said…
A lion in a dream can also represent leadership. The dream can have to do with your position in a social situation.

WOW! leadership sounds more positive and encouraging.Thank you so much marcia.

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