“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

I wonder if life is fair to just some people all the time or to all at some point or the other...hmm! something to think about eh!Well as i cannot comment on other people's life , all i can say is that,life is quite ruthless and unfair,at least it has been so,in my case.My life has always been ''one step forward and two steps back", kind of life...kind of like regressive growth(whatever!).It then becomes difficult to to take a step forward when everything seems to be pushing you in the opposite direction.Everyday you wake up with renewed hope,only to have it smashed within seconds.when life cheats you, of your will to live and hope,is it then possible to continue?I believe the answer is yes,and i say this with authority because i have been doing so for a very long time,quite easily with deceiving ease.It is futile to fight back and impossible to remain indifferent and passive...here comes the big question,do we continue to live such a tormenting life knowing what is ahead or do we give up?


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