
Showing posts from 2010

A crabby day at the RAK beach


Dream Analysis

The result it dreams say WHAADUPPPP! Lion Dreaming of a lion shows you have many obstacles to overcome, and must resist the real force that is driving you to self destruction; if the lion overpowers you, you will lose, but, if win out over the lion you will be the victor. As the lion usually represents different aspects of our own inner nature either as we are, or as we think ourselves to be, then in this light the dream must be correlated by using as many of the symbols you see in your dream and carefully analyzing the different actions of each character. well! i think i am satisfied with that analysis for now.I am going to do some serious introspection now..err!maybe after checking out the dream moods site,because it is really interesting.Do check it out ppl.

Dream scare!

Hmmm! I know i've not been able to write daily,it must be cuz,i am not getting any sleep lately.I am turning into an ogre because of it.I try to sleep and i end up having these strange and disturbing dreams.Yep! your probably wondering why this is such a big deal..right? Well, people often dream, but you forget them in a day or so and you never dream on a daily basis.Its been two weeks and i have been dreaming consistently(same stuff) and its really CREEPY!!! Nowadays, i watch late night movies till i am totally exhausted and i fall asleep.I have been going crazy trying to find a solution for this problem.I even spoke to my husband and my mother about it.They both had just one simple solution - pray.Now being a Hindu has its benefits.We have over a thousand gods to select from, and over a million mantras and prayers to pick from and chant.Well being the superstitious kind,i did not stop to question them,and so, started my own private ritual of chanting those soul cleansing mantras

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

I wonder if life is fair to just some people all the time or to all at some point or the other... hmm ! something to think about eh!Well as i cannot comment on other people's life , all i can say is that,life is quite ruthless and unfair, at least it has been so,in my case.My life has always been ''one step forward and two steps back", kind of life...kind of like regressive growth(whatever!).It then becomes difficult to to take a step forward when everything seems to be pushing you in the opposite direction.Everyday you wake up with renewed hope,only to have it smashed within seconds.when life cheats you, of your will to live and hope,is it then possible to continue?I believe the answer is yes,and i say this with authority because i have been doing so for a very long time,quite easily with deceiving ease.It is futile to fight back and impossible to remain indifferent and comes the big question,do we continue to live such a tormenting life knowing wha